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J. Intell. Syst. Appl.
E-ISSN: 2667-6893
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The Impact of Using Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) in AI-Integrated Autonomous Vehicles on Efficiency

How to cite: DeÄŸirmenci, Å., Telçeken, M.. The impact of using real-time operating system (rtos) in ai-integrated autonomous vehicles on efficiency. Akıllı Sistemler ve Uygulamaları Dergisi (Journal of Intelligent Systems with Applications) 2024; 7(2): 12-18

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Title: The Impact of Using Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) in AI-Integrated Autonomous Vehicles on Efficiency

Abstract: This study examines the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) on the efficiency and performance of autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles operate with high precision using environmental sensors and decision-making algorithms, where the deterministic structure and low latency of RTOS are critical for timely and safe operation. The study discusses how different RTOS types Hard RTOS, Soft RTOS,and Firm RTOS affect tasks such as safety, data analysis, and route planning in autonomous vehicles, highlighting the advantages of each type. The integration of AI and RTOS enables efficient utilization of system resources, allowing autonomous vehicles to respond more quickly to environmental data and ensuring the effective activation of safety measures. Graphical analyses and experimental results demonstrate the positive effects of this integration on CPU usage, memory consumption, and system response times. These findings illustrate that AI and RTOS significantly enhance the efficiency of autonomous vehicles, contributing substantially to safety and performance.

Keywords: Real-Time Operating System, AI and RTOS Integration, Autonomous Vehicles

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